Saturday, January 16, 2010

Found art

Today, while coasting down Russell St. (one of Berkeley's fantastic bike boulevards) on the way to Berkeley Bowl, I passed a few other bikers stopped by the side of the road, looking through a box of what looked like art prints. On my way back from the store, I decided to check it out and see what had been left out. (I admit it: I cannot resist boxes of free stuff.)

Turns out it was a bunch of photography prints that were just a little "off", with comments written on the back like "a little too yellow," "too much exposure," and "great except for the GIANT HAIR". I decided that what was imperfect to a photographer still looked great to me, and took home four pretty big, artsy shots of blurry colors with focus on simple plants. After all, the walls in my bedroom are still bare, and it's been almost six months...

I also grabbed a box of negatives and some sheets of mini-shots all on one page (I am sure there are technical terms for these things, but I am photography-ignorant). I'm thinking of cutting the latter into postcard-sized pieces and using them for mail, but I don't quite know what to do yet with the negatives. Still, I'm thrilled to have a creative project again!


Emily said...

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cabin + cub said...

what a great find! one person's trash is another person's treasure! ;)

Amber said...

Haha, this sounds cool :) Nice find!

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